My love of movies is tied up with my love of books. Here is the collaborative blog post I co-wrote with my daughter, The Insatiable Word Eater (like mother, like daughter) for the Oscar awards on Sunday. I am linking to her blog instead of re-posting here. Overall, on all the awards given on Sunday evening, I was 17 for 24 in correct predictions. In our posted predictions, we were spilt. I correctly choose Birdman for Best Picture, while Riley stuck with our personal favorite Boyhood. Riley corrected selected Eddie Redmayne for Best Actor, while I missed on Michael Keaton. We both were right in our predictions for Best Supporting Actor, Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress. On our last posted category - Best Original Screenplay, since we are word lovers, Riley nailed it by selecting Birdman. We had a fun evening, as always, but missed the absent sister who was studying for mid-terms.
It was a "bookish" Oscars with several adaptations and original screenplays up for awards. As Shelf Awareness pointed out yesterday, five of the eight best picture nominations were based on books or were book-related. I love movies and seeing the way my favorite books come to life (sometimes in a disappointing way) on the big screen. Read my daughter's blog post for all our predictions.
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