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Thursday, November 6, 2014

Mind Bending Look into the Future

David Mitchell's The Bone Clocks is a fantastical journey forward in time. Told in several engaging voices, the stories of Holly Sykes and Hugo Lamb and Crispin Hershey begin to overlap and merge and get more far fetched as the reader is drawn further into the future. 

I was completely engaged and engrossed in Mitchell's most recent novel. He creates a new metaphysical world with forces of good and evil on the other side of the earthly realm as we know it.  His characters are both ordinary human beings and extraordinary reincarnations from the past.  This book could definitely be classified as science fiction. But don't let that turn you off if you don't think of yourself as a sci fi person. The characters are real, especially Holly Sykes who is a salt of the earth daughter of a pub owner in Kent. You are drawn to her story as she fearlessly moves through her life.

Time travel, mind reading, predicting the future, this book takes the reader through many centuries and around the world and beyond. You don't have to read David Mitchell's other books before you read this one. But you may recognize a few characters and places, if you have. I've read Cloud Atlas and Black Swan Green and dearly love those. My friend, the high school English teacher, has her students read Black Swan Green every year.  If you haven't discovered David Mitchell, maybe it's time you do. And if you already love Mitchell, then hurry to read The Bone Clocks.  

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